
The available commands of aws-cli are a lot, and you can manage all that you need by those commands and bash scripts.

As an example, you can find some commands below.


The available commands of aws-lambda are a lot, and you can manage all that you need by those commands and bash scripts.

By shell

The command for deploying a lambda is

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
aws lambda create-function --function-name $name --handler $handler --runtime $runtime --role $role --zip-file fileb://


  • $handler is the name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to execute your function
  • $runtime is the identifier for the language that you use in your code and it has many choices
  • $role is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution role of the lambda function

You can invoke the lambda function by command line

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
aws lambda invoke --function-name $name outfile --payload '{"key":"value"}'

And also you can delete it by command line

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
aws lambda delete-function --function-name $name

By a bash script

Below you can find an example of deployment of a lambda function by a bash custom script.

cd cli/lambda
git clone
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
bash deploy aws-saving/aws_saving

And for managing the other commands described above, you can use the same bash script

cd cli/lambda
bash # print the commands list


When you need to

  • change the permissions or other non-code attribute, it is better to delete and to redeploy the lambda function
  • add the lambda function to a VPN, the deletion of that lambda function will be much slower because the system has to delete also the network objects


The available commands of aws-ec2 are a lot, and you can manage all that you need by those commands and bash scripts.

By shell

The command for deploying an EC2 is

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $ami --count 1 --instance-type $type --subnet-id $sn --security-group-ids $sg # --user-data file://$file --key-name $key

The script return the instanceId of EC2 that you can use in the commands below

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export INSTANCE_ID=your-instance-id

for getting EC2 status,

aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id INSTANCE_ID

for stopping EC2,

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids INSTANCE_ID

for changing its instance type,

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id INSTANCE_ID --attribute instanceType --instance-type t3.small
# all instance T3 types are: t3.nano | t3.micro | t3.small | t3.medium | t3.large | t3.xlarge | t3.2xlarge

for changing its volume type,

aws ec2 modify-volume --volume-id INSTANCE_ID ---volume-type io1
# all volume types are: standard | io1 | gp2 | sc1 | st1

for starting EC2,

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids INSTANCE_ID

for deleting EC2,

aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids INSTANCE_ID

By a bash script

Below you can find an example of deployment of a Minetest server by a bash custom script.

cd cli/ec2
curl -O
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
bash deploy

And for managing the other commands described above, you can use the same bash script

cd cli/ec2
bash # print the commands list


When you need to change

  • the instance type or to terminate instance, before you have to stop the instance
  • the volume type, it is not necessary to stop the instance, but if you stop it, the process will be more fast


The available commands of aws-cloudformation are a lot, and you can manage all your stacks only these commands.

By shell

AWS CloudFormation service needs a template (and optionally parameters) for deploying a stack. A stack is a collection of resources that they are described in the template. The command for deploying a stack

export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export STACK_NAME=your-stack-name
export PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME=your-filename
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $STACK_NAME --template-body file://./templates/$PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.yaml --parameters file://./config/$PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

When the stack will be created, you can get all information of the stack outputs that they are described in the template Outputs section. By the command below you can get the stack outputs

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $STACK_NAME

For updating the stack after changes on parameters or templates files,

aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name $STACK_NAME --template-body file://./templates/$PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.yaml --parameters file://./config/$PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

for deleting the stack,

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $STACK_NAME

Below you can find a simple sample of deployment of a Minetest server by aws-cloudformation.

cd cli/cloudformation
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export EC2_STACK_NAME=minetest-server
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $EC2_STACK_NAME --template-body file://./templates/$EC2_PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.yaml --parameters file://./config/$EC2_PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Below you can find an example of deployment of a Minetest server by aws-cloudformation and what else you can manage.

cd cli/cloudformation
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export EC2_STACK_NAME=minetest-server-more
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $EC2_STACK_NAME --template-body file://./templates/$EC2_PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.yaml --parameters file://./config/$EC2_PREFIX_STACK_FILENAME.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

By a bash script

An ad hoc script is only necessary if you need to manage

  • more parameters and only a few are dynamic variables like the name of other stacks
  • an exception as for deleting a stack with a S3 bucket not empty or a dashboard configuration by external json file, as the sample that you can find in

Below you can find an example of deployment of a Minetest server and a lambda function by a bash custom script.

cd cli/cloudformation
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
bash deploy plus

And for managing the other commands described above, you can use the same bash script

cd cli/cloudformation
bash # print the commands list

Please, pay attention: in the config files, there are some identifiers that you need to change before running the bash script!


When you deploy your objects into the cloudformation stacks,